What is the Difference between CPR and AED?

Frank H
3 min readNov 24, 2021

Proper cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training is essential. It can make the difference between life and death in many situations. The fact is that nearly 400,000 heart attacks occur every year outside of the hospital in the US. Around 94 percent result in a fatality. That’s why you must learn about the technique, as it will allow you to save lives.

Many people get confused when they encounter the term automated external defibrillator (AED) during CPR training. How is AED different from CPR? Is AED part of CPR or something different? You will know the answers in this article.


CPR and AED refer to techniques that are provided to victims of heart attack. In CPR classes, students are taught how to perform CPR by pressing a person’s chest. Chest compressions prevent the victim’s body organs from dying. The timely performance of CPR dramatically reduces the risk of brain damage.

AED, on the other hand, is a device that complements CPR. The electronic device is used to start a person’s heart that has stopped beating. Also, the device is used in case a person’s heartbeat is abnormal.

AEDs are installed in many public places, including gyms, malls, schools, and sporting venues. The device is placed to ensure proper assistance is provided to a heart attack victim. Previously the device was hard to use and could only be used by a medical professional. Modern AEDs are easy to use once you get training in a CPR class.

When should you use an AED?

AED is used in situations when no heartbeat is detected. The device generates a shock to revive the victim’s heart. Another case in which AED is used is when a person suffers from ventricular fibrillation (v-fib). The nature of a person who suffers from v-fib does not usually beat and quivers rapidly. A shock generated by AED restores the normal functioning of the heart.

Furthermore, AED is also used when a person suffers from ventricular tachycardia (v-tac). The condition is associated with a fast heartbeat that lasts for minutes. AED restores normal heart rhythm, thereby preventing cardiac arrest.

Some take away

AED, when used during CPR, can increase the survival rate of the victim. The American Heart Association has stated that the survival rate of the victims nearly doubles when AED is administered along with CPR. While CPR help maintain blood flow, AED ensures proper heart rhythm. Both are important and increase the odds that a person survives a heart attack.

CPR and AED training is essential. You will be able to save the life of a heart attack victim by providing timely assistance. Make sure that you learn about the crucial life-saving techniques as it will increase the chances of saving the life of a person who suffers from a heart attack.

If this has given you something to think about, we have many Training Courses available at www.icatrainingacademy.com. Please look at our courses for more information. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 631–244–1686.




Frank H

American Heart Association & Tennessee Security Guard Trainer